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a sad look in one’s eyes
眼睛中哀伤的神情  detail>>
look into one’s eyes
看着某人的眼睛 注视着某人  detail>>
sad eyes
悲伤的眼睛 悲伤的眼神 认真向前看  detail>>
look into the eyes
直视眼睛  detail>>
so sad eyes
眼翳  detail>>
you with the sad eyes
你眼神忧郁 您心目中的悲哀  detail>>
into my eyes look into my eyes
凝视着我  detail>>
in the eyes of in one’s eyes
在某人眼里  detail>>
with one look
看一眼 只要我使一个眼色  detail>>
one thousand of sad reasons
一千个伤心的理由  detail>>
thing that makes one sad
令人悲哀或忧伤的事物  detail>>
a nasty look in his eyes
眼露凶光  detail>>
angry eyes; look angrily at
横目  detail>>
but that look in your eyes
可是你的眼神  detail>>
cross the eyes and look askance
横目斜睨  detail>>
i look in your eyes
我注视着你的眼睛  detail>>
look at your eyes
看着你的眼睛  detail>>
look into my eyes
看著我的眼睛 看着我的双眼  detail>>